This guide and its graphics were created by me, to the best of my knowledge and certain. But without guarantee of correctness! (Even if everything has been tested by me)! So make sure that you know what you are doing, as I will not be responsible for any damage or harm you might do to your Dreamcast or yourself!
I used the BitBuilt-Logo in every graphic, but just as an advertisement and appreciation for this site and its...
The Definitive DC Trimming Guide
This guide and its graphics were created by me, to the best of my knowledge and certain. But without guarantee of correctness! (Even if everything has been tested by me)! So make sure that you know what you are doing, as I will not be responsible for any damage or harm you might do to your Dreamcast or yourself!
I used the BitBuilt-Logo in every graphic, but just as an advertisement and appreciation for this site and its...
The Definitive DC Trimming Guide